Formula for Deflecting Plates

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Smoking Leave a Comment

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Dr. BBQ:

Is there a formula for the height of the tuning plates pending the diameter of the pit?


Hi Mark,

(Note: Mark is asking about the location of the deflecting plates he’s planning to put in his offset BBQ pit. The purpose of these is to spread the heat out instead of having a big hot spot next to the firebox.)

No there is no simple equation since every BBQ pit is different. You’ll need to have them far enough away from the meat so that the hot plates don’t grill the food but you”ll also have to consider where the opening from the firebox is located and you’ll need to determine if there will be gaps inbetween the plates to even the heat distribution out. The size and location of your exhaust will effect things too. Building a pit takes a lot of engineering. It may take a good bit of trial and error to get it just right. Good luck.



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