Kosher Salt or Regular? Light Brown Sugar or Dark?

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Preparation/Serving Leave a Comment

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Dr. BBQ:

Your Big Time BBQ Rub recipe is fantastic! I first tried this recipe a while back when it was featured in the Chicago Tribune Magazine last year. The two batches I made then lasted me a while, but recently, I ran out! I was panicked, as I couldn’t find the magazine anywhere, but luckily, I found your recipe online just in time for my barbeque! My question is regarding some of the ingredients. Should I use Kosher salt or regular non-iodized table salt; and should I use dark brown sugar or light brown sugar? Also, if my memory serves me correct, the recipe you featured then I believe was slightly different. Perhaps the addition of seasoned salt? Oh, and you also had a great burger recipe in that issue that I can’t seem to find anywhere. Do you perhaps remember that? Since I lost that recipe, I’ve just been putting a little bit of Worcestershire Sauce and A1 into my ground chuck before grilling. Is that any good? You also had a recipe for a rub in Maxim Magazine a while back that was slightly different. Which should I use on which occasion? Thanks for your help!


Hi Patrick,

I’m not sure which was printed where. That was all last year. But here’s the good news, it was all promotion for my book, so you can get it all for about seventeen bucks! Check out “Dr. BBQ’s Big-Time Barbecue Cookbook.” As for the salt and sugar, I use regular old salt, non-iodized and if it’s not specified I use light brown.


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