Go by Temperature, Not Time

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Smoking Leave a Comment

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Dr. BBQ,

For competition purposes, I see and hear about “cook times” for pork butt and brisket being anywhere from 12-15 hours. I also see and hear that pit temps should be anywhere from 225-250°F for both cuts. My question is this: do these extended times (in the competition setting) also include time in the cambro or other “holders”? I’ve cooked and placed at both Memphis in May and the American Royal. But, for the life of me it doesn’t take me 12-15 hours to get my butts (200°F) or briskets (195°F) up to temp when I set my pit around 235°F. Any thoughts? Thanks!


Hi Mike,

Lots of variables here. Size of butts and briskets and some cookers are just faster than others and maybe you’re wrapping in foil along the way. For me, those times and temps sound about right although the 15 hours would be pretty long unless it was a big piece of meat. Cooking by time is never a good idea anyway, the temps and the feel are what’s important. I”d say if you”re winning awards at MIM and the Royal you”re doing fine and shouldn”t worry about it.



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