Dear Dr. BBQ:
In competion cooking, what type of chicken is usually used? White meat or dark meat? And which cut is normally used? I would like to go pro next season up in Canada and at the risk of soounding like an idiot , I kinda need to know this, I guess. Can you help? Thanks again,
Hi Jules,
In KCBS and most Canadian contests the preferred cut is the thigh with one bone only. All parts are legal but the dark meat has a bigger window for the cook as breast meat dries out so quickly. In Texas and at the big Canadian Championship in Barrie, Ontario things are a little different. Most of the Texas contests require you to cook and turn in half chickens so there is no decision. In Barrie you are required to cook the chickens whole but you can turn in whatever parts you”d like. Cutting up a cooked chicken is no easy task though but if you can get the thighs cut out I”d still recommend that.