Soon we will be in London for another event with Pat Chapman, England’s King of Curries, on May 15 (read all about it, here). Pat and I go back a long ways. He’s come to Albuquerque several times to make appearances at the Fiery Foods & BBQ Show and once created (with wife Dominique) a gigantic Indian feast at our house for about a dozen friends. They still talk about that night. Mary Jane can’t forget it because she had to clean every
pot, pan, dish, and utensil in our house! Then, we took a culinary tour of India led by the Chapmans, which involved about a dozen Brits, two Yanks, a bus, and some of the best food we’ve ever eaten. There was also the incident of me in a turban and a camel. You can read about that trip here. Then, on a trip to England to visit the Chapmans, Pat, a former RAF jet pilot, drove us around Cornwall at nearly supersonic speeds on the left hand side of the road, which is always disconcerting to Americans. We went to Land’s End, the Eden Project, Mousehole (pronounced “Moussel”), and stayed at some great B&Bs with wonderful food (lamb shanks in wine and currant sauce, yum). We might have had a few beers and some scotch–I forget! And then there were the Indian restaurants. Pat, as The King, was comped at every single one of these he took us to, and they were spectacular–the decor as well as the food. Read all about that trip here. So you can imagine how much we anticipate our upcoming visit.