Getting the Crud Off the Grill

Dave DeWitt MyBlog Leave a Comment

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My Cruddy GrillIn both the grilling and smoking processes, organic material will accumulate on the grills–fat, pieces of meat, basting sauces, dead moths–all sorts of stuff. Known in the barbecue industry technically as crud, this stuff will quickly burn and fuse to the metal. Since you always want to start cooking with a clean grill, this crud on the grill poses a problem, especially for the lazy cleaner, as most men are prone to be. Some people simply place the grill as close as possible to the hottest flame and allow the accumulated material to turn to ash, then they wipe it off with paper towels. Well, not only are they risking a fire if the crud has a lot of fat in it, rarely does all the crud completely carbonize. In this case, many cooks use a wire brush to get right down to the metal, and this works fine but it is labor intensive and sweaty going. The easiest way to clean grills is to remove them from the unit, spray them thoroughly front and back with oven cleaner, and place them in a plastic trash bag, which you tie shut. Allow them to marinate overnight and rinse them off with a hose the next day.

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