Is there a source for information regarding amounts of sunlight different varieties of peppers need? Are there any rules-of-thumb that can be followed like "all Pubescens grow better with only morning sun" I am guessing it probably won’t be that simple but have seen very little on the subject and figured you would have at least some tips. Thanks
There is no easily accessed source of information regarding sunlight amounts that I know of. You can search the largest bibliography on the subject of Capsicums by going to The Chile Pepper Institute site at www.chilepepperinstitute.org Sunlight and UV levels vary due to a number of factors, including cloudiness (think Seattle), elevation (think Denver), and the amount of humidity in the air (think Florida). So there are a lot of factors involved and we have only anecdotal evidence on this subject. Some varieties, like the New Mexican, tolerate (and demand) full sun with very high UV levels. Some, like chiltepins, grown under "nurse" trees and require partial shade. Some plants, like habaneros, can grow in full or partial sun. The pubescens do better in partial sun, shaded from the highest UV, which is midday. In summary, most chiles can thrive in partial sun. Hope this helps.