Looking For Peri Peri

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Q: Dave,

A friend of mine asked me where they could find Peri Peri and Cumari O Passarinho peppers.  Any ideas where I could find some seeds, plants or peppers?  I looked at www.chileplants.com and found Cumari (is that the same as Cumari O Passarinho) but no Peri Peri.  Suggestions?


Jason Grooms


A: Hello Jason:

As you mentioned, Cumari  (which I believe is the same as Cumari do Passarhino) is available from www.chileplants.com  They also have Pili Pili, which is an African variety that the Peri Peri supposedly was derived from.  Peri Peri is generally regarded as the Portuguese variety.  There does not seem to be a domestic source for Peri Peri seeds, and Seed Savers Exchange does not have this variety listed.


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