Marinated Red Jalapeños

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Q:  Hi Dave,

About four years ago I was served some marinated red jalapeños in a restaurant.  They were great… slightly sweeter and milder than the typical marinated green jalapeños.  I finally was able to find out that it was an experiment by ConAgra, and had just been discontinued.  Since then I’ve been trying to find another source, or to get a recipe that I can try myself this fall when the mature crop is available.  Any ideas or suggestions you have would be most appreciated.

Thank you,



A:  Hello Mike:

I’ve never tried this, but here’s what I’d do.  Take fresh red jalapeños and cut them in half length-wise.  Remove the seeds and stems and grill them until they are mostly cooked and slightly soft.  Then I would marinate them in an Italian salad dressing, either store-bought or homemade.  To serve, I would cut them into thin strips and serve them over a salad, or by themselves as a munchie.  Hope this works for you.


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