Hot Table Gifts for a Wedding in South Africa

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Hi Dave,

I am getting married in April and I am wanting to make our own chili sauce and bottle it as our table gift. I am only concerned on how long it will last in the bottle if not kept in the fridge. Will there have to be a preservative added? Also, we will want to put a cork in it instead of a cap…is this okay to do? Regards,


Hello Tamaryn:

If I were you, I’d choose something easier to make, like hot & spicy cookies or brownies. Hot sauce would have to be bottled in a water bath using sterilized containers with metal tops, not corks. It would also have to have a lot of vinegar as a preservative. If you still insist on hot sauce, you could choose a favorite Nando’s sauce or other hot sauce, soak the labels off, make your own wedding labels on the computer, and glue them on the bottles. Have a happy wedding!


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