Grafting Chiles onto different Root Stock

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Hi Again:
I was driving home yesterday looking at the apple trees beginning to bear fruit. It is common for apple trees to be grafted onto different root stock to control the growth of the tree. Orange trees are often grafted onto lemon tree roots for better yields. I wondered wether the same could be done for chiles, i.e. graft slower growing Habanero plants onto Jalapeno roots. Probably a wild stab in the dark, but one never knows.

Theoretically, I suppose it is possible to graft chiles but I don’t know of anyone who has ever tried it. Unlike fruit trees, Capsicums do not survive freezes, so grafting would have to be done in a tropical climate or on a potted plant in a greenhouse. It would have to be done in the winter, when the plant was dormant. And I remain unconvinced that such grafting would increase the yield.

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