Q: Dear Dr. BBQ,
What is the best marinade for steak, something that helps to keep it from getting dry and tough?
A: Hi Tasharra,
I’m not sure what cut of steak you’re cooking but if it’s getting dry and tough you are probably just overcooking it. No marinade can help that. Try buying a Rib Eye, a NY Strip or a Porterhouse steak and cook it just a few minutes on each side. Cut into it and if it needs a little more cooking do just a little more. You’ll find the right degree of doneness and then you should have a nice juicy tender steak. Now in the case of a chuck steak or a round steak you”ll have to cook it a little differently. Just because they call it a steak doesn’t mean it is a tender cut. Those pieces are best braised like a pot roast. There are some packaged marinades that contain meat tenderizer. Those can help but it won”t be the same as a properly cooked good quality steak.
–Dr. BBQ