Q: Hello Dr. BBQ,
I met you in Key Largo at the BBQ Cook-off and have since purchased your book. I hope things are going well for you. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again sometime soon. I have two questions for you. First you gave me the product’s name that you used at the show for your brisket and I have misplaced it. Could you tell me what it was? Also you had a grill rack for the Green Egg that gave you another layer to smoke on. It was round and had some sort of legs on it. I have looked all over one like it without success. Do you know where I could find one? I am looking forward to your new book. I hope you have great success. Thank you.
A: Hi Dave,
The rack was a Big Green Egg product that we call a Grid Extender. Any Big Green Egg Dealer should be able to get it for you. The brisket injection is called Fab B and is available only through the manufacturer at http://www.theingredientstore.com The whole story of that will be in the new book due out in April, 2006. It’s called Barbecue All Year Long. Hope that helps,