Drying Chiles in an Oven

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Hi Dave:
I am ready to pick and dry my Caribbean red hot peppers. I’ve read that the best way to dry peppers is by sunlight. Since fall is coming around, and I don’t have a food dehydrator or a gas oven. Could I place them on very low heat in an electric oven? Or is it better to hang them in a dark dry room (Furnace room for example.) Any suggestions ?
Thank you in advance,

How low can your oven go? The problem here is to avoid burning the pods. Try this: crank your oven up to 350 degrees F. Then turn it off and place the peppers in it on a cookie sheet. After about an hour, repeat the process, and keep repeating it until the peppers are brittle. Or, invest in a food dehydrator. They’re not very expensive.

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