The Ten Hottest Dishes Article

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Hello Dave!

I’ve been loyal to you and chileheads since the old CP magazine was quarterly. My dedication, however, sometimes proves to be my undoing, as you will see below. I was looking on the web, for what I no longer remember–and found the article below.

Repeated e-mails to this guy have resulted in nothing–not even an answer. So, I was wondering, have you ever seen any of these, and is there a way to post any requests for these so your readers might respond? Most of these really sound good.

All I can find locally is soggy Chinese, mushy mee krob, boring Szechwan with too much celery and not enough fire, … you get the picture.

The original article was by Daniel Rogov and was called "The 10 Hottest Dishes." They were Wat Har Bo, spiced chicken wings from Ethiopia with berbere chile paste; Puerco en Adobo, a Mexican dish; Shakshouka Tala, a Tunisian dish; Nga-Pi-Jaw, a Burmese shrimp dish; Tak Tori Tang, a flaming hot Korean chicken stew; Bon Bon Jihan Banmian; a Sichuan dish known as "ants on the tree"; Guali Telor, a Malaysian egg curry; Shrimp Creole; Masaledar Murghi, a chicken dish southern India; and Yam Pla Muk, a Thai squid.

Any help in obtaining recipes for these would be greatly appreciated.

Peter Davis

Hello Peter:

Thanks for your kind words. Remember that these dishes are one person’s opinion and that any dish can be fashioned to be incredibly hot.

I found our recipe for berbere–see here

The other recipes are more obscure. I could not find Wat Har Bo, Shakshouka tala, nga-pi-jaw, ants on the tree, tak tori tang, guali telor, masaledar murghi, or yam pla muk. Sometimes I found references to these in restaurant menus. Some of the transliteration of various languages may be slightly off and of course that would skew a search.

However, Puerco en Adobo is located at  and substitute pork ribs for the steaks. A sauce for Shrimp Creole is found in our Cayenne pepper profile at

Hope this helps.


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