Hi Dave,
I have been a fan of your site for quite a while and was wondering if you could give me some help. I love hot food (now there is a surprise for someone regularly visiting your site) and eat fairly serious heat levels. Here is the problem; I sweat way too much. My mouth can be loving what I am eating but my head looks like I have just run a marathon through a rainforest. I don’t care when eating at home but when I am at a restaurant it is a little bit uncouth to be dripping all over the place. Any tips?
Steve, Canberra, Australia
My first thought is that you are a perfect person to wear a turban. Seriously, though, gustatory perspiration is a perfectly natural reaction to eating fiery-foods and is one of the more obvious physical responses. Your body is more sensitive to capsaicin than others, so I would suggest that you carry a chile-emblazoned small towel with you to restaurants.