Capsicum Leaves Edible

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Q: Hi Dave!

I always was convinced that the leaves of peppers and tomatoes were toxic. I found an article that states: "Although chiles are used primarily for its fruits, in the Philippines Capsicum is used also as a leafy vegetable. Upper shoots and leaves are sold in bunches much like spinach for soups and stews.  Unlike tomato and potato, the leaves of Capsicum lack detrimental alkaloids." So can we eat leaves of peppers or not ?

Best regards,



A: Hello Christian:

Yes, the leaves are edible.



Terry Berke, a chile pepper breeder with Seminis Vegetable Seeds, adds:

I have eaten pepper leaves stir-fried with garlic and peanut oil, and they are really good. They are not spicy but I imagine they are nutritious, probably similar to spinach and other greens.

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