Sport Peppers (Good on Sandwiches)

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Q:  Hi Dave,

I have a quick question for you–I have been trying to find a certain type of pepper seed, and I just haven’t been able to.  Lo and behold, you have a photo at the top of this page:  That’s the very pepper I have been looking for–the yellow ones in the round bottle. I used to buy them when I lived in the States, but now I live in Italy, and I can’t find them here or on the web. They look like small jalapeños 1.5 – 2 inches long, blunt points. They’re hot but not too, great pickled with a sandwich…  If you can ID these for me I would be very grateful.




A:  Hello Jim:

Those pods are ’Sport Peppers’, grown in the midwest specifically for pickling.  They are very popular in Chicago–and, indeed, are used on sandwiches.


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