Killing Moth Larvae in Chillis

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Q. Hi DaveWe enjoy reading your newletter, we find them informative & entertaining. We have a question regarding chillis. We have some supply of dried chillis, which we find some boxes infested sometimes with bugs, either a chilli moth or small white worms. Someone had told me that refrigerating or freezing the chillis in the box for a certain period …

Sampling in Stores

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Q: Dave,I was curous about sampling hot sauces in stores! I used to work in a See’s Candies store where we sampled everything. Are there any ways you suggest to allow sampling if customers are curious before purchasing? How is it done at conventions? Or is everything just "buy it and try it"?Thanks, Roger A: Hello Roger:Sampling is commonly done …

Refrigerators Overflowing with Hot Sauce

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Dear Dave,We have refrigerators in our office that are overflowing. Do they all need to be refrigeratied THAT is the question. If the sauces really and truly NEED to be kept refrigerated, we will, but if not, GREAT.James Hello James:The real problem is the growth of mold and bacteria, especially with all-natural sauces. I suggest that you always refrigerate. One …

Gustatory Perspiration

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Dear Dave:When I eat almost anything containing chiles, I sweat profusely from my scalp. I will sweat so bad that sweat drips off my ears, runs down my face and will soak my shirt collar. It seems to have nothing to do with the hotness of the chili. I was watching fiery foods on the Food Network about a year …

Squirrels and Chile Powder

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Q: Dear Dave, I found an article in one of your recent newsletters about putting chile powder in the bird feeder to keep out squirrels. My Mom has always had trouble with squirrels so I forwarded the article to her. She lives in SC where apparently the squirrels have quite a passion for spicy food because it seems that they …