Q: Dear Dave, I am an amateur 30 year old chile head. It is May 24 and I have several varieties of chiles growing indoors because of the windy dustbowl part of Albuquerque that I live in. My question is about my tabasco plants. I have 3 that are growing in a pot about 14" by 16" deep with a mixture …
Emerging Flowers
Q: Dear Dave, You have given me great advice before about my jalapeno plants. They seem to be doing well inside, they are 11" tall and have begun to flower! My question is, do the pepper pods emerge from the middle of the flowers? They are white and about the size of a quarter. Thanks much!ChrisA: Hello Chris: Those are …
Oleoresin vs. Pests
Q: Hi Dave Quick question….I’m looking for the recipe to keep varmints away from my plants. I believe that you published a chile pepper spray to keep rabbits and the such away. Can you give that recipe to me or provide the link? Thanks in advance.CharleyA: Hello Charley: The best thing to do would be to buy pepper spray at …
Leaves Dropping – Lack of Light
Q: Hi Dave,Is it normal for chile plants to drop leaves? The leaves on my chile plant seem to drop on a seasonal basis. They would fall off within a period of time and in order for new leaves to grow, I will have to prune it. In case additional info is required, I am from Singapore and the climate …
Q: Dear Dave,I have been attempting to grow some peppers from seed this year. My habaneros and some Sicilian peppers have sprouted unbelievably but I have found a mold growing around the top of the soil. My question is this: What did I do wrong? And how can I get rid of it? The only thing that I didn’t do …