Q: Dear Dave:It is one thing to have your soil tested but it is another to find good info on how much N,P,K you need for peppers. Do you have any idea where I may find this information for growing lots of peppers and a few tomatoes. My garlic and onions are still growing but they should be coming out …
Cuttings from Tabasco Plant
Q: Hi Dave, I have a question about some cuttings I have made from a Tabasco plant. They are 10 days old and still under a plastic bag. They look great but I was wondering how many days does it take them to make a root ball? I am afraid to damage them when I take a look!Thanks, Krista A: Krista:Usually …
Sun, Temp & Humidity for Cayennes
Q: Dear Dave,What are the ideal temperature, sunshine and humidity conditions for cayennes? I live in Central Florida, where we have the full range of weather. Thanks for providing this wonderful web site.–Barry A: Hello Barry:Cayennes are tough and like full sun, hot temperatures, and low humidity. So you’ve got 2 of the 3 conditions and I don’t think that …
Jalapeños in Singapore
Q: Hello Dave, I’m from Singapore where the weather is hot and humid. My question is where to buy seeds for jalapeños and the Mexican varieties, for a home garden. Most jalapeños are suited for dry climates. Yours, Hasli A: Hello Hasli:I would suggest that you grow any type of jalapeños in containers using well-drained potting soil. I have no idea …
Can C. Pubescens Self-Pollinate & Cross-Pollinate?
Q: Hi Dave,Maybe you can help me out on this one. A few weeks ago I read in different books that Capsicum pubescens is incapable of self-pollinating, and that it can’t cross-pollinate with other Capsicum species. This year I had one Rocoto Canario plant (C. pubescens) in my greenhouse together with several C. annuum varieties. I’m quite sure it’s a …