Q: Hi Dave,I bought commercial seeds this year and plan on saving seeds from this year’s garden. I was wondering, since I have a lot of annuum peppers planted next to chinense peppers, if I would be able to tell if they cross-pollinated when I have fruit from them next year? And are they safe to eat if they did cross-pollinate? …
Pesticide Use on NuMex/Anaheim Varieties
Q: Hi Dave,I have a question regarding pesticide use on NewMex/Anaheim varieties. I applied Ortho’s "Bug-Be-Gone" (permethrin based) powder last night and noticed that the label indicated that it could be used on peppers, but only "Bell" type peppers were listed as approved. I contacted Ortho for verification this morning and I got the standard, "If it’s not on the …
When & Why To Pinch Back Chile Plants
Q: Hi Dave,I started my Sweet Delight Mixed peppers from seed and they are now in pots on my kitchen windowsill, supported by canes. They are around a foot and a half tall with flowers starting. I read a book saying to pinch back the growing tip at two feet, but my plants already have many growing tips, as they have …
How to Germinate Chiltepin Seeds (with seagull excrement)
Q: Hi Dave: First of all I want to congratulate you for your site—it’s very useful. I live in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico. I work at a vegetable seed company in the production department. I was wondering if there is some information about how to germinate chiltepin seeds. I want to establish a crop to export dried chiles to the …
From Indoors to the Garden
Q: Dave,I started my pepper plants indoors two months ago like you suggest in your book. I also hardened them off before planting them in the garden, where they have been for about 10 days now. My problem is… They are not growing too well and the leaves are turning yellowish, wilting, the very tips are burnt and the lower …