Hello Dave:What to do with sunburned peppers? They seem to be quite stunned; on the Habanero the fruits stopped maturing and C. praetermissum dropped about 30% of its leaves and some are still in bad shape. Should I take those bad leaves away or leave them be ?Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandJukka:I’ll bet you moved those chiles outside without acclimating them to …
Growing Companion Plants for Pest Control
Hi Again Dave!Just wanted to know: is it true that growing coriander, garlic next to peppers would prevent spidermite infestations? Also, there seem to be a few "normal" spiders hiding in my plants… they don’t seem to harm the plants, so could they be one reason that I haven’t seen spider mites for a while?–Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandHello Jukka:There’s been a …
Chile Harvesting Timing
Hey Dave:I’m brand new to pepper growing. My Anaheims and jalapenos are going great. My habaneros seem to be going strong, just a little slower than the others (which seems to be normal from my readings). My question is about my cayenne peppers. They produced pods before any of the others and they have produced a lot! The problem, is …
Grafting Chiles onto different Root Stock
Hi Again:I was driving home yesterday looking at the apple trees beginning to bear fruit. It is common for apple trees to be grafted onto different root stock to control the growth of the tree. Orange trees are often grafted onto lemon tree roots for better yields. I wondered wether the same could be done for chiles, i.e. graft slower …
Chile Pods infested by Worlms
Dave:My problem is when my peppers get ripe and turn red they look so beautiful but when I pick them they have worms in them and some of them they go rotten and fall. If I pick them when they are still green they are not tos bad, but I would like them better when they are red. Could you …