Hi Dave,I’ve found worms in my chiles and hot cherry peppers and they appear to be either European corn borers or pepper maggots based on the info I’ve just read on the web. The fruits I’ve found them in are usually apparent–rotten, etc., but I just picked a bunch and I’d hate to throw them all away (although I certainly …
Overwintering Chile Plants in Cold Climates
Hi Dave.I often get asked how to ’overwinter’ plants in cold climates. It never snows in the climate that I live in, so I don’t feel qualified to answer such questions. Is it possible for you to write an article on overwintering chillies? Then I could refer such questions to that article.Jando from AustraliaJando:Overwintering depends on whether or not you …
Brown Spots on Anaheim Chiles
Dave:I’m not very educated on Anaheims. I live in Colorado on the front range. The last two years, my Anaheims have had a brown spot of about 1/2" when they are about 2-3 inches long, and then it just grows with the pepper. Any recommendations or solutions? Your help is greatly appreciated!Mike.Hello Mike:It sounds like blossom end rot to me, …
Recommended Peppers for Indoor Growing
Dear Dave,Please tell me which peppers are good for indoor growing.–AlisaHello Alisa:To successfully grow peppers indoors you need a very bright southern-exposed window or artificial lights–and no cats, as they will eat the foliage. Generally speaking, the smaller-podded chile plants grow the best in containers, probably because their habit (physical size and stature) is small and compact. Try piquins, tabascos, …
Overwintering Chile Plants
Dear Dave,I live in NJ, and I have heard that if I bring in peppers for the winter, they will go dormant and then come back next year. Do you know anything like this? Is there anything special I need to do to them?Thanks,Michael MulryHello Mike:Yes, you can bring peppers indoors, but it’s probably too late if you’ve had a …