Dave-A friend of mine’s family grows a pepper called ’Ulupica’ in their hometown in Bolivia. My friend and I are planning to import this spicy pepper from Bolivia to sell to chileheads in the U.S. Have you heard of "ulupicas"? What do you know about them? We are thinking of packaging them in Bolivia and jarring them in the US. …
Chocolate Habanero is hot, hot, hot
Dave:One of our Chocolate Habanero varieties tested at 440,000 Scoville Heat Units. Is this consistent with what you are hearing? Also, the chinense ’Yuquitania’ from Colombia has tested at 313,000 SHU. We believe that the ’Yuquitania’ has the fasted heat transfer time on the planet. Have you heard anything about these? We made a sauce (limited supply) using both these …
Indian Peppers Naga Jolokia, Tezpur Availability
Dave:Do you know if there are seeds available to the general public of the Indian Pepper, ’Naga Jolokia’, or ’Tezpur’? And if so where I could obtain some?Bob BirksBob:There are some seed companies selling seeds they purport to be this variety, but in reality they are some other kind of Indian chile. To my knowledge, not only are these seeds …
Siling Labuyo Variety
Hi Dave,I’ve grown more than 1,000 varieties of peppers in the last 25 plus years. One I have always wanted to try, but could never find, is Siling Labuyo. Have never seen it listed in the Seed Savers Exchange, and have only found a few references to it in the USDA PC-Grin database–but none of them sounded quite right. Do …
Thai Dragon compared to Chiltepin
Dave,Have you heard of the ‘Thai Dragon’ pepper? How does it rate on your heat scale? I am very familiar with the chiltepin and am wondering how the Thai Dragon rates against it.–CharlieHello Charlie:Here’s what http://www.chileplants.com/ says about Thai Dragon: "THAI HOT DRAGON HYBRID-very hot; 3-4" by 1/2" wide; thin-skinned fruits; eight times hotter than jalapeno; each plant can produce …