Too Many Jalapenos!

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Hello Dave,I’ve been going through the website trying to find an answer to this question but have either not looked long enough or am looking in the wrong places. Please forgive me if this is already answered on the site or seems kind of dumb. I have a LOT of jalapenos that I have planted and am harvesting. For example, …

Liquid Paprika?

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Dave,I create my own marinades for making beef jerky. I’ve been wanting to use paprika in the marinade but it just doesn’t mix well with the other liquids. Is there a liquid version of paprika, and if so, where can I find it? Thanks,LarryHello Larry:There is no such thing as liquid paprika, but you can make it mix better by …

Storing Habaneros

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Dave, What’s the best way to store habaneros for future use? Freeze, dehydrate or other?Thank you, FrankiHello Franki:Just double-bag them, force as much air out as possible, and freeze them. Another method, which causes less freezer burn, is to vacuum seal them, then place in a zip bag.Dave

Hot Honey

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Hi,How does a person make a smooth Roasted Habanero Honey? Don’t say, "Carefully." Please.Lonnie Hello Lonnie:Here’s how I’d do it. Roast a habanero pod over flames until the skin just starts to blacken. Run it under cold water, peel it, and remove the seeds. Pulverize it in a mortar until it is mush. Combine it with honey in a jar …

Stovetop Smoking to Make Chipotles?

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Dave:I just found your website while searching for a way to smoke jalapeño chiles to make chipotle. While I will investigate your website, I am trying to figure out how to use a Cameron stovetop smoker. It sits on two stovetop burners and uses finely shaved wood chips. Chris Hello Chris:It takes a long time to smoke jalapenos and I …