Hello Dave:What to do with sunburned peppers? They seem to be quite stunned; on the Habanero the fruits stopped maturing and C. praetermissum dropped about 30% of its leaves and some are still in bad shape. Should I take those bad leaves away or leave them be ?Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandJukka:I’ll bet you moved those chiles outside without acclimating them to …
Growing Companion Plants for Pest Control
Hi Again Dave!Just wanted to know: is it true that growing coriander, garlic next to peppers would prevent spidermite infestations? Also, there seem to be a few "normal" spiders hiding in my plants… they don’t seem to harm the plants, so could they be one reason that I haven’t seen spider mites for a while?–Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandHello Jukka:There’s been a …
Looking for UK Chile Supplier
Hi Dave:I live in England and have tried growing chiles for the first time. I managed to get some habaneros a couple of years ago from one of our large supermarket chains and pickled them with good results, but I have been unable to find a source of chiles since, hence trying to grow my own. Do you know of …
Jalapenos came out too mild
Dave:We have a bumper crop of chile peppers this year. But the problem is the jalapenos. I picked some 50 big juicy green jalapenos yesterday. My beautiful green fleshy examples have no heat whatsoever. There is no point in making pepper jelly with them. My question is whether they will ripen/acquire some heat after they’ve been picked from the bush?–AndreaAndrea:Environment …
Replanting Pepper Plants
Dave:We recently purchased a plant and we want to learn how to take care of it. It has small purple peppers about the size of a thumb, small light purple flowers, green/purple leaves. I believe the plant originated in South America and contains the name ’Diablo’. It is an annual here. We love the plant and want to know how …