Hello Dave:What to do with sunburned peppers? They seem to be quite stunned; on the Habanero the fruits stopped maturing and C. praetermissum dropped about 30% of its leaves and some are still in bad shape. Should I take those bad leaves away or leave them be ?Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandJukka:I’ll bet you moved those chiles outside without acclimating them to …
Growing Companion Plants for Pest Control
Hi Again Dave!Just wanted to know: is it true that growing coriander, garlic next to peppers would prevent spidermite infestations? Also, there seem to be a few "normal" spiders hiding in my plants… they don’t seem to harm the plants, so could they be one reason that I haven’t seen spider mites for a while?–Jukka Kilpinen, FinlandHello Jukka:There’s been a …
Looking for UK Chile Supplier
Hi Dave:I live in England and have tried growing chiles for the first time. I managed to get some habaneros a couple of years ago from one of our large supermarket chains and pickled them with good results, but I have been unable to find a source of chiles since, hence trying to grow my own. Do you know of …
Flower Drop on Chile Plants
Dave,I am from Jacksonville, Florida, just a few miles from St. Augustine. I have a very large, bushy and seemingly healthy Datil plant that I have raised from a pup. As I said it looks healthy enough; however, upon setting a bloom and looking as if it might fruit; it will drop the bloom and not produce anything. Would you …
Pepper Plants turning light greenish yellow and are wilting
Dave:My pepper plants here in Minneapolis (Jalapeno and Hungarian Hot Wax) have turned a light greenish yellow and are wilting a bit. What is causing this and how do I correct it?PaulPaul:Has it frosted up there yet, or gotten really cold at night? Sometimes a light frost can cause yellowing. Also, you can try fertilizing with a liquid fertilizer. Wilting …