Dave-I have a question for you. My little sauce business is picking up and right now my recipe roughly makes 4 bottles per batch. I want to increase my batches, I’ve been experimenting with the amount of ingredients that is going into my batches to get a large output. But the taste isn’t exactly the same. Do you know of …
Salsa Maker seeking Pepper Destemmers
Hello!I am trying to help some friends of mine take their very delicious hot pepper salsa to market and one thing that we need is some way to mechanically stem the peppers (the peppers are small – Thai peppers I believe). Are there pepper destemmers out there? Or is this something that has to happen at harvest time? In other …
Chiles and Tomatoes interbreeding?
Hi Dave,Years ago I grew tomatoes and peppers in the same garden, side by side. One of the tomato plants’ fruit seemed to acquire all of the properties of the bell pepper–hollow inside, with the seed cluster in the middle, towards the top–but it was still a tomato. I thought it was just a fluke, so I took the seeds …
Recommended Peppers for Indoor Growing
Dear Dave,Please tell me which peppers are good for indoor growing.–AlisaHello Alisa:To successfully grow peppers indoors you need a very bright southern-exposed window or artificial lights–and no cats, as they will eat the foliage. Generally speaking, the smaller-podded chile plants grow the best in containers, probably because their habit (physical size and stature) is small and compact. Try piquins, tabascos, …
Overwintering Chile Plants
Dear Dave,I live in NJ, and I have heard that if I bring in peppers for the winter, they will go dormant and then come back next year. Do you know anything like this? Is there anything special I need to do to them?Thanks,Michael MulryHello Mike:Yes, you can bring peppers indoors, but it’s probably too late if you’ve had a …