Hey Dave,Great web site. I have a real quick question for you. I am looking to order a bunch of BBQ sauces and hot sauces over the web. Do you know of any "supermarket"-like websites that have many brands and a wide variety to choose from? I have only been able to find brand-specific web sites. Any help you could …
Hot Sauce Manufacturing Equipment needed
Dear Dave:Do you know where you can purchase ’protective gear’ when cooking/handling large amounts of habaneros? Even opening all windows and doors does not help when they are cooking (for hot sauce we make). Also, where would you purchase the ’steam-kettles’?Thank you.KarinHello Karin:You can purchase protective gear from–where else– www.protectivesuits.com Steam kettles, see http://warp-machinery-exchange.com/food-equipment/index.html and http://www.bigtray.com/catalog.asp?catid=11160&sr=ggawpc–Dave
Opening a Hot Sauce Shop in Florida
Dear Dave,I am interested in opening a hot sauce shop in Florida. Please advise what would be the best way to go about this. Should I become a distributor or a wholesaler?Thanks,MonicaMonica:See our articles on retailing in our Industry E-Zine. Distributing, wholesaling, and retailing are all different activities. Some people are able to do all of them. Dave Lutes, of …
Trying to find Cal-Compack
Dear Dave,Years ago I knew of company called Cal-Compack that purveyed chile products in large volume. Is this company still in business? If so, does it have a website, and what is its address?Thanks,ChiliDudeChiliDude:Cal-Compack is now Gilroy Foods. See www.gilroyfoods.com–Dave
Use of Pepper Mash in Hot Sauces
Dave,I was over at http://www.leeners.com/hotsauce.html and they had mentioned that the best sauces are made from pepper mash and I would like your opinion. Is making sauces from peppers inferior to the ones that are made from pepper mash. Do the looks and taste differ from each other?Thanks,ZippyZippy:I don’t think that either one is better than the other. It’s more …