Hi Dave,Transplanting seed germinants (4 leaf stage): How low do you bury them and what extra care? I tend to lose a lot at this stage. Hope you can help, nowhere seems to provide this little detail.Jean Hello Jean:You are transplanting too early. Let them get at least twice this size. The problem is that the roots have not developed …
Hot Table Gifts for a Wedding in South Africa
Hi Dave,I am getting married in April and I am wanting to make our own chili sauce and bottle it as our table gift. I am only concerned on how long it will last in the bottle if not kept in the fridge. Will there have to be a preservative added? Also, we will want to put a cork in …
Growlights for Indoor Chile Gardening
Dave, This will be my first year to start up from seeds indoors. My question is I have a four-bulb fluorescent light fixture. Should I use four lights, should I use grow lights, and how high from the starting plants should the lights be. Let me know thanks and I love your web page. Jim Hello Jim:You need to use …
Worms Are Eating My Ristras!
Dear Dave,I just moved into a new home and had my chile ristras in the closet. It took my two months before I remembered them and now there are small yellow worms everywhere. What kind of problem am I facing? Thanks, Pam Hello Pam:Those yellow worms are caterpillars and will soon become moths. I would throw the ristras out.Dave
New Mexican Pod Type
Hi Dave,I was asked a question regarding New Mexico chile pepper, and wasn’t sure how to answer. I am hoping you could enlighten me a little. Are New Mexico chile varieties grown in California? Would the Anaheim varieties be of New Mexico origin? Aside from heat differences, the packaged whole pods in the stores, labeled "New Mexico Chile Pods" and …