Men, Last Longer with Capsaicin!

system Misc. Leave a Comment

Hello Dave,This will probably be one of the stranger questions you’ve had, but it’s entirely serious! I have a problem with premature ejaculation. A doctor prescribed me Prozac and that worked quite well but I didn’t like the idea of being on a drug that affected my brain, so I stopped. Lately I’ve been eating one habanero daily, partly for …

Jake from Australia, Part 2: Cross-Pollination

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Hello Dave:I have some questions for you. 1. I know that placing netting over each chile plant prevents insects from transferring pollen and causing cross pollination, but what about the wind carrying pollen? 2. If all the chiles from pure seed are started at the same time in the same area, would the first lot of pods be true to …

Perennial Pod Production

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Hello Dave:I’m a novice who would like to know how many season’s green peppers usually produce pods. And if more than one, do I need to prune like I prune my trees? For whatever help you could offer, thank-you.Steve Hello Steve:Peppers are perennials in non-freezing climates and can last for years. However they lose vigor over the years, producing fewer …

Heated-Up Seeds?

system Chilehead Stuff Leave a Comment

Hello Dave:Where is the capsaicin located in the chile pod, in the flesh or the seeds?  Thanks,Edgar Hello Edgar:Neither.  It is located in the placental tissue in which the seeds are lodged. It disperses during processing and spreads over the flesh and seeds, giving illusion of the seeds being the location of capsaicin.Dave