Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I have a char griller pro-smoker. I also just got a Big Green Egg and have been reading up on how to build a fire for the BGE. Do you have any suggestions on how to build a good low and slow fire for the char griller? It uses an off-set fire box. Thanks, …
Stuffed Pork Loin
Q: Hi Dr. BBQ, Notwithstanding that pork loin is lean enough to be grilled, rather than smoked, what recommendations would you have for stuffed pork loin to be cooked on the smoker? Are there any special tricks you recommend regarding preparing the stuffed loin from a procedural standpoint? Ken Houston, TX A: Hi Ken, I …
Nothing Beats Slow-Cooking Brisket
Q: Dr. BBQ, I thought I would seek your wisdom and thoughts on this subject: Brisket, to marinate or not. I have read on the BBQ Forum that some people do not marinate. I read one thread that used buttermilk; I have tried this and it does work. I am wondering, do you marinate using an acid-based marinade to …
Trimming Brisket
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, When trimming a packer-trim brisket, how much do you recommend taking off, and what do you leave? Do you ‘que the tip as part of the flat or not? When answering, please consider that I have a larger wood-burning offset and prefer not to be opening doors and mopping to keep the meat moist, at …
Guaranteed Smoke Ring?
Q: Dr. BBQ, Is there a way to get more of a smoke ring in the meat you smoke, or is it just the luck of the draw? –Heywood Iowa A: Hi Heywood, The redness that we call a “smoke ring” is a chemical reaction, and it can be manipulated. A simple trick is to …