Q: Hi Dr BBQ: I have been having the hardest time finding pimento wood chips (or pimento wood would be better). I am famous for my jerk cooking but lack the authenticity of real pimento wood. Any suggestions? Thanks, ROB A: Hello Rob: No wonder you have been having difficulty finding pimento wood–I just don’t …
Complementary Meats
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I find some gatherings just have too much of a good thing—too many choices. Are there certain pairings or meats you like to serve together? –Rubicam St. Petersburg, FL A: Hi Rubicam, I like to serve ribs and chicken together, just seems right and it’s a one-day cook. If it’s butts …
Thoughts on Jedmaster
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I noticed you previously used a Jedmaster. Comments on this barbecue pit? Downside? –CJM A: Hi CJM, Yes, I had one of the early Jedmasters back in about 1994. Matter of fact when I bought mine they were using the name Mr. BBQ. It was a bit of a hassle to clean …
Fat-side Down, Please
Hello Dr. BBQ: Everyone tells me to cook brisket with the fat side up, but you say cook it with the fat side down, so what’s the scoop? Tom Hi Tom, I prefer to cook my briskets fat side down on any cooker that has the fire underneath the meat. I think the concept of the fat melting into the …
Bottling Resources
Q: Dr. BBQ, I would like to bottle my BBQ sauce, mostly for friends and family. I have found information on canning but no information on bottling. I understand there has to be a certain Ph value for shelf life or citric acid may need to be added. Can the sauce be bottled in sterile containers without a canning …