Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I am just getting started in competition cooking. I am learning a lot along the way but my question is, if I am turning in leg quarters for competition do I turn them in whole or slice them first? If I should slice them first do you have any tips on presentation? Thanks! …
Invest in a Platesetter
Q: Dr. BBQ,First things first! Your new book, Dr. BBQ’s Big Time Barbecue Cookbook, is the best on the market. Absolutely terrific! I read it cover to cover…and am now in pursuit of the perfect ribs. I started off with the Big-Time Championship ribs using a medium-size Big Green Egg—cooking just one slab. A couple of questions: Can I assume …
To Oil or Not to Oil?
Q: Dr. BBQ, I have a new BBQ with stainless steel grills. I have heard of people “oiling” the grill prior to cooking on it. What do you recommend? –Jim A: Hi Jim, I don’t generally oil the grids unless I’m cooking fish, because it’s so delicate. If you get the grids good and hot before …
Balancing an Egg and a Char Griller? Good Luck
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I have a char griller pro-smoker. I also just got a Big Green Egg and have been reading up on how to build a fire for the BGE. Do you have any suggestions on how to build a good low and slow fire for the char griller? It uses an off-set fire box. Thanks, …
How to BBQ Turkey Legs
Dr. BBQ: How do I BBQ turkey thighs and legs? James Hi James, I cook them nice and slow until they reach an internal temp of 180. It’ll cook just like a big chicken. You can use a typical BBQ rub, a poultry type seasoning with sage etc or my favorite, a combination of the two. BBQ Sauce is optional. …