Q: Hi, Dr. BBQ I have heard about injecting a marinade into a pork butt for slow-smoking. What and how much should I inject to get the meat flavored all over? Calle A: Hi Calle, I do inject my pork butts before slow smoking. I use a recipe that I got from Chris Lilly of Big Bob Gibson’s BBQ …
Pulverized Goldfish Burgers
Dr. BBQ: I am looking for the recipe that was featured on Good Day Atlanta sometime back and would like to know which book it is in. I wrote it down then but can’t find the recipe now. Will you please help me out. Stacey Hi Stacey, That recipe is in my second book Barbecue All Year Long, but here …
Help! It All Tastes the Same
Hi There Dr.BBQ, I’m really trying to get better at this but my biggest thing is everything seems to have the same flavor. No matter what I try I can tast the different rubs that I put on but all seem to have that same taste to them. Could it be from the charcoal I’m using?? I have been using …
In Search of Chili Sauce
Hi Dr. BBQ: I just bought your book and love it. Great tips and recipes. For one of your BBQ Sauces the base is commercial chili sauce. Where do I get this? Thanks, Eric Hi Eric, Thanks for the nice words. Commercial chili sauce will be in the grocery store, near the catsup, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce. It should …
How to Cook a Hog
Dr. BBQ: I am going to cook a 125-pound hog. I have a hog roaster with a spit, or would it be better to lay it on a grid? I read your book and really enjoyed it, and I would love to take one of your classes but I live in Iowa! Kim Hi Kim, I’d always prefer to lay …