Q: Hello Dr. BBQ, My wife and I love BBQ and would like to start our own bbq concessions trailer business. We’ve considered it carefully, and are ready to give it everything we’ve got. We’re having a heck of a time finding a spot to set up on, though. We’ve spoken with many commercial realtors in a three-county area, …
K.C. Masterpiece Original—But Hotter
Q: Hi Dr. BBQ, Love your Fiery-Foods site! I also love K.C. Masterpiece Original style barbeque sauce. I am in search of a sauce with the taste characteristics of K.C. Masterpiece Original style but with the heat level of a Dave’s Insanity or similar sauce. Currently I usually add Dave’s or my homegrown habaneros to the K.C to get …
Chicken for Competitions
Dear Dr. BBQ: In competion cooking, what type of chicken is usually used? White meat or dark meat? And which cut is normally used? I would like to go pro next season up in Canada and at the risk of soounding like an idiot , I kinda need to know this, I guess. Can you help? Thanks again, Jules …
How Much Meat?
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I have been asked to cater a friend’s high school graduation party. Seven families are sharing a facility and have asked me to smoke brisket and pork butt. They estimate an attendance of 300 to 400 people. How do you determine the amount of meat per person and is this determined by the pre-cooked weight or …
Tone Down the Smoke
Q: Hi Dr. BBQ, I just bought an offset cooker and smoked a chicken using hickory. The meat was way too smokey. What did I do wrong? –Sammy in Toledo A: Hi Sammy, This is a common mistake among new smokers. It is very easy to over-smoke food when burning wood. Hickory is a …