Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I have been asked to cater a friend’s high school graduation party. Seven families are sharing a facility and have asked me to smoke brisket and pork butt. They estimate an attendance of 300 to 400 people. How do you determine the amount of meat per person and is this determined by the pre-cooked weight or …
Tone Down the Smoke
Q: Hi Dr. BBQ, I just bought an offset cooker and smoked a chicken using hickory. The meat was way too smokey. What did I do wrong? –Sammy in Toledo A: Hi Sammy, This is a common mistake among new smokers. It is very easy to over-smoke food when burning wood. Hickory is a …
Developing BBQ Skills
Q. Dr. BBQ: Hello, My name is Rolf Persson and I am a chef here in Markaryd in South Sweden. I am working with BBQ smokers and catering and am very interested in learning more to develop my skills. I hope that maybe you can give me some tips. It would be nice to go to USA and see how you …
Adding Spice to Ribs
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ: I am looking for something that I can add to my ribs to make them a sweet-hot. I have the sweetness part down (I think) but don’t know what to add to make them spicy. Could you please help me in this area? Thank you, Roger A: Hi Roger, Like …
Cooking Up a Business
Hi Dr. BBQ I am from Utah and I love to barbecue for family events. I smoke ribs and pork shoulder quite often. I just returned from a business trip in Arkansas and finally ate at some restaurants with true authentic BBQ. A business like that would interest me since the only access to brisket, ribs or shredded pork in …