Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I’m trying to locate a smoker grill that has the fire box off to one side and the meat compartment on the other. I first saw this on the TV show Barbecue University. Can you help? Thanks, Lonnie A: Hi Lonnie, I got in touch with Steve Raichlen and he said …
Choosing a Smoker
Hi Dr. BBQ, I’m new to slow-smoked cooking, so I’ve got a copy of your book on the way. I’m looking for a recommendation on a smoker for the novice. I was considering a Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker (a.k.a. Weber Bullet) because of my luck with Weber grills. But then I noticed your Big Green Egg shirt in the December …
Help! My BBQ Sauce Tastes Like Spaghetti Sauce
Q: Dr. BBQ, When I follow a traditional American barbecue sauce recipe using tomato paste or tomato puree, the sauce comes out tasting like sweet spaghetti sauce, with a haunting tomato flavor, instead of having a “barbecue sauce taste.” When I buy tomato-based sauce off-the-shelf it doesn’t have this problem. What might I be doing wrong? Adrian F. A: Hi Adrian, Tomato-based barbecue sauce needs to …
No Need for BBQ Guru
Q: Ray, I have just purchased your book and cooked the championship rib recipe. Wow!! Two racks of ribs at the Super Bowl party lasted less than five minutes. My question is, do you use the BBQ Guru on long cooks? Last, I met you at the Plant City Pig Jam. We were the amateur team with …
How to Keep Brisket Moist
Dear Dr. BBQ: My question concerns smoked brisket. I smoke them whole at 225 degrees for about 13 hours, to an internal temp of 185 degrees. They always taste fantastic. My last time included my wrapping the brisket tight in foil, putting it in an Igloo, and transporting in to a friends house. The brisket stayed hot, and juicy in …