Q: Dear Dr. BBQ: I want to try to go back to the basics and grill over wood. I have oak and apple wood available to do this but have no earthly idea how to do it. Help! Susan A: Hi Susan, Grilling with wood can be fun, and the taste is like no other. You”ll …
Wanted: A Grill with Space
Dr. BBQ: I’m in the market for a smoker, but I am surrounded by Green Eggs (father, brother, cousin) but a little concerned with the cooking space. I know the Green Egg makes an Extra Large model, and I’m wondering if you could tell me the quantity of meat that you could cook on one (butts, ribs, etc.) at one …
Dry Spareribs
Hi Dr. BBQ, I enjoy smoking spareribs but they come out a little dry. I usually go about 6 hours at 250° degrees. I also spray them with red wine or cider vinegars. Is there something else I should be doing? Thank you, Bill Hi Bill, I’d say you’re probably cooking them too long. How do you decide when they’re …
Keep Up the Good Work
Dr. BBQ, Hi, Dr. this is Chris Hursey from Hursey’s Bar-B-Q. I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that I enjoy the series on TV and love the fact that I see someone who I have met and fed. Thanks for coming in and the nice write up on your web site. Good luck in the …
How to Spice Up BBQ Competitions
Q: Dr. BBQ, How can the average visitor to a BBQ competition get the most from the visit? I have gone to a few competitions, and, as an “outsider,” it appears to be like watching paint dry. –Richard A: Hi Richard, I can only speak about KCBS and Florida BBQ Association cook-offs because they are the …