Hi Dr. BBQ: When do put barbecue sauce on the hens? Before they are put in the oven or after they have cooked?Wendy Hi Wendy,It’s always best to add the BBQ sauce at the end of the cooking process. Most BBQ sauces have a lot of sugar and tomato in them and those things can get cooked and browned before …
What the Pork is Fab P?
Hi Dr. BBQ,Have you ever used Fab P in a pork shoulder. If so, what did you use for a liquid base (or what do you suggest) and how do you think the finished shoulder turned out?Thanks for your time,Sean Hi Sean,For our readers who aren’t familiar with Fab P, it’s an injection mix that’s made and sold only …
Turducken Question
Hello Good Dr., Have you ever smoked a turducken? or tried one? Can you recommend a rub for one. Thanks, Kirby Hi Kirby,I’ve never cooked a Turducken myself, it’s just a little too confusing for my way of cooking. But I’ve eaten a few so I know a little bit about them. For the readers who don’t know, it’s a …
How to Garnish
HI Ray, I have a question about how to garnish my turn in box, I’m doing my first competition that requires it.I will be competiting at the Plant City PIG JAM . OK how do I go about doing my tray , do I put in the garnish first then the meat or put meat in first then garnish? Any help is …