Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I am planning on smoking a suckling pig on my Weber (rotisserie) this weekend but I have a couple questions. I know how to prepare the pig, but I am a little unsure of how to cook it. When I did a big pig before (150 pounds) it was obviously direct grilling. For the suckling …
Different Sauces for Different Seasons?
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, Why are traditional BBQ sauces used more often in the summer months, whereas teriyaki, honey and Cajun are more often used in the winter months? –Linda A: Hi Linda, I never really thought about that but if it’s true it’s probably because the weather forces many of us to cook inside and then …
Too Much Smoke Likely Caused Twangy Aftertaste
Q: Hello Ray: Got your book and have enjoyed trying out the recipes immensely. I tried your big time competition brisket on the fifth. I followed the directions closely and everything looked beautiful except the meat had a definite twangy afte taste. The only thing I can think of is I marinated it in an aluminum pan with the Schmear …
Bring on the Heat
Dr. BBQ: I’ve owned a large Big Green Egg for six months and I am unable to get the temperature over 450°F. How do I get it to the 700°F recommended for steaks? Is it my vent positions or not enough charcoal? Thanks, Gene Hi Gene, You’re probably not putting enough charcoal in the Egg. The Egg is very miserly …
Smoking Two Meats Simultaneously
Hi Dr. BBQ, I saw you on the OLN All Star Barbecue Showdown recently, and I was most impressed with your talents and methods. So, I wanted to ask you question. I just bought an offset smoker, an entry model, which is a step up from a gas grill I have and also the small Weber Kettle. I wanted to …