Hey Dr. BBQ: I”ve got your book BIG TIME BBQ COOKBOOK and there is not an internal temp for any of the ribs. If you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. I have got the Boston butt down and the chicken mastered but I’m struggling with the ribs. They taste good but not all that tender. My …
No Need to Marinate Corned Beef
Hi Dr. BBQ: I wanted to BBQ a Corned Beef Brisket. I don’t need to smoke it. I’m using charcoal. What could I use as a marinade? And what would be a few ways of cooking it on the grill? How long do you think it will take? Thank you very much for your time. Chris Hi Chris, I wouldn’t …
Competing in Texas
Hello Dr. BBQ: I currently have your book for BBQ and love it. I currently live in Texas and have started cooking in Texas competitions which are way different than KCBS competitions. Do you have any suggestions on a book to give me guidelines on how to cook in Texas competitions? I am struggling with ribs in Texas and need …
A Winning Sauce
Hey Doc, I have been cooking bbq for about ten years. Last year I started cooking in some competitions, contests that have about 30 to 40 cookers. I seem to always finish between 15 and 25. I really would appreciate some help. Since I don’t have a lot of money I usually cook close to home at the smaller …
Flavoring Turkey
Dr. BBQ: I wanted to ask you what rub or brine do you use when you do a whole turkey? Thanks for your time, Chris! Hi Chris, I don’t care to brine my turkeys, I prefer to inject them. I often use a 50/50 mix of Sherry and melted butter. (Don’t buy that nasty cooking sherry. Buy something you would …