Q: Hey Dr. BBQ, Do you have any suggestions on how I can maintain a longer hotter burn in my fire box? The typical recipes call for 200-220°F for 6-8 hours, and it seems like I need to check or add additional fuel each half hour which sometimes makes the temperature drop below the recommended temperature. I am currently …
Know a Co-Packer?
Dear Dr. BBQ: We are bottling our own bbq sauce. We are unable to keep up with demand. I was told to ask about a co-packer. Do you know, or can you recommend one that do small runs for start up business? Thank you, Thomas Hi Thomas, Congratulations on your success. The best thing to do is find a co-packer …
Skip the Leg Quarters at Competition
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I am just getting started in competition cooking. I am learning a lot along the way but my question is, if I am turning in leg quarters for competition do I turn them in whole or slice them first? If I should slice them first do you have any tips on presentation? Thanks! …
Invest in a Platesetter
Q: Dr. BBQ,First things first! Your new book, Dr. BBQ’s Big Time Barbecue Cookbook, is the best on the market. Absolutely terrific! I read it cover to cover…and am now in pursuit of the perfect ribs. I started off with the Big-Time Championship ribs using a medium-size Big Green Egg—cooking just one slab. A couple of questions: Can I assume …
When Burgers Burn
Hello Dr. BBQ: Hey, I have a dilemma! My daughter’s birthday is next week and I bought about ten pounds of cheap hamburger meat to make enough burgers for the forty or so guests we invited so far. The other day we made some burgers with this meat and they wouldn”t stop catching on fire. They were black on the …