Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I just bought a char-broil gas grill. It has proclaim coating steel grates. I want to know what kind of BBQ brush will work to brush off the grates after I finish cooking. –Chris A: Hi Chris, I’d get the grates hot, and use a grill brush with brass bristles …
Why Does My Pork Butt Take So Long to Smoke?
Hello Dr. BBQ, I’m looking for help with the pork butt roasts that I smoke. Been cooking them for years with varying degrees of success. I seem to be having difficulty getting the temperature of the meat higher than 185°F despite a steady smoker temperature of 250°F. By the time the butt gets up to that temperature I’ve usually been …
Best. Grilling Book. Ever.
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, What is the best grilling cookbook ever written (so far)? –Anthony A: Hi Anthony, So far I’d have to go with BBQ USA by Steve Raichlen. It’s an encyclopedia that covers about anything you could think of. I’m about to change my thoughts though because in May 2005 my first book will …
Breast-Side Up or Down?
Q: Dr. BBQ, I’m planning to smoke cornish hens for Valentine’s Day for my business. How long should I cook them at around 225 and should I cook them breast side up or down? Also, I’ve been smoking whole turkeys for a few years now and my brother-in-law tells me that I should be cooking them breast-side down. I’ve …
Grill Brushes
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I just bought a char-broil gas grill. It has proclaim coating steel grates. I want to know what kind of BBQ brush will work to brush off the grates after I finish cooking. –Chris A: Hi Chris, I’d get the grates hot, and use a grill brush with brass bristles …