Dr. BBQ, I am in the process of buying a commercial, NSF BBQ smoker. Would you suggest gas or electric? Thank you, The Lunch Hut Hi Lunch Hut, If you’re looking at only NSF rated smokers you’re going to be OK either way. They’ll all be good quality restaurant equipment that’s easy to clean and will have a good long …
Dehydrating Jerky
Q: Dr. BBQ, At what temp should you dehydrate jerky?–Dan A: Hi Dan, Jerky should be dried at 140°F for about 8-10 hours. –Dr. BBQ
Wrapping Your Meat
Dr. BBQ, I am fellow Lakeland”er and have seen you at several local events. My Daughter Melissa who is 13 is a Que Freak! She has already won Overall Grand Champion in the Kids”s Que for her Ribs at the 2005 Mulberry Fine Swine at the Pit and First Place for Chicken in the same contest. The Judge in the …
Cooking Times in a BGE
Hello again Dr. BBQ! I cooked and refrigerated more ribs than I needed last weekend. I”m worried about them drying out. Is there any way I can prevent this or any way i can rehydrate them before serving? I was thinking of wrapping them with a little apple juice and cooking them that way. Thanks, Mike (MoMoBBQ) Hi Mike, Yes …
Re-heating Ribs
Hi Dr. BBQ: We will be doing a big batch of ribs and have a difference of opinion as to how to reheat them (if there are any left) without losing any of the original flavor and texture. Please advise.I am quite new to this smoking,and only have a cheap water smoker, but it sure is fun. Thanks, Bud …