Hello Dr. BBQ: You are my hero! I love your BIG TIME BBQ BOOK. I have a question. I notice your rub and sauce for baby backs but do you use a mop or baste for them or just the 3-2-1 method with honey and apple juice and brown sugar? I have an offset at our campground that I use …
Roast Recipe
Hi Dr. BBQ: We saw you in Memphis in May and you did a great job. We also have your cookbooks. Just for the fun of it we are having a pig roast this Saturday night and I am wondering if you can give me a good recipe for the roast. The pig is 141 pounds and I need your …
Degrees of Smokiness
Q: Dr. BBQ, I use mostly lump charcoal and add smoke wood chips throughout the cooking cycle. How does smoke wood affect flavor in the meat at different temperatures and at different times in a cook? –Bob A: Hi Bob, Smoke wood will flavor the meat throughout the cook unless of course you wrap the meat …
Proving the Chicken Is Cooked
Q: Dear Dr. BBQ, I manage a BBQ kitchen and I find that if I smoke chicken and serve it right from the smoke, our customers think it is raw or not done because of the redness or pinkish color, especially by the bone. Now, I know it’s done by temp and time, and I also know what smoked …
What’s a Texas Crutch?
Hi Dr. BBQ, I live in Australia and love BBQ. Could you tell me what a Texas Crutch is? Regards, Paul Hi Paul, Good to hear from Down Under. The term Texas Crutch refers to the use of aluminum foil when cooking barbecue. It seems some stubborn old dudes don’t think it’s right and they claim it all started in …