Dr. BBQ I noticed I can buy your Big Time Rub online…but it’s in 10-pound bulk. Does the rub freeze well? I usually make your rub from scratch using your recipe and have done very very, very well with the ribs and pork. But I want the real thing. So can I freeze in vacuum sealed packages? Harry Hi Harry, …
Affordable Home Cooker
Dr. BBQ: Could you recommend a good fairly inexpensive smoker/grill for home use? Also, what do you think of electric smokers? Ronnie Hi Ronnie, In my experience the electric smokers cook well, but the small ones don’t create the nice pink smoke ring that I like. The food tastes good though so if you can live without the smoke …
My Brisket Turned to Mush!
Q: Hello Ray, I smoked a brisket yesterday; it was 7 pounds. I smoked it four hours then wrapped in foil for two hours, and the result was mush. The temp was 200 to 225. I have smoked 12 to 14 pound briskets and everything came out great. I never wrapped the big brisket. What did I do wrong on …
What Brisket Injection Do You Use?
Q: Hello Dr. BBQ, I met you in Key Largo at the BBQ Cook-off and have since purchased your book. I hope things are going well for you. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again sometime soon. I have two questions for you. First you gave me the product’s name that you used at …
Go with the Dome
Q: Hi Dr BBQ,We are designing a BBQ. What’s the best shape for the lid? Domed, cylindrical, flat? It seems most grills have a large rounded lid. Does this help with cooking and smoking?–Darren A: Hi Darren, I prefer a rounded or dome shape. It seems that will create a convection effect. I’m not an engineer, but the cookers I …