This pecan pie recipe is a little less sweet than most, so it works well with the added zest of the chile powder. If you can’t find Chimayo chile powder, just substitute any New Mexico red chile powder. If you only want a hint of heat, add 1 teaspoon. I usually add 2 teaspoons!
Not Your Aunt Bertha’s Fruitcake
Before you go on to another recipe, stop and give this a try! This is not the famed “traveling fruitcake” recipe—the the mythical fruitcake that never spoils and is never eaten! Nope, this is a green chile fruit cake, new and improved, and sassier than ever.
Chile and Dried Cherry Chocolate Dessert
Since preparing a Thanksgiving feast on a barbecue isn’t traditional, why finish it up with the usual pumpkin pie? This layered dessert from Nancy Gerlach is unique in that it can be cooked on the grill like the rest of the meal. The finished dessert has a cake-like topping and a chocolate syrup which can be served with whip cream on top. Place it on the grill while you are indulging with your turkey, and it will be ready to serve at the end of the meal.
Red Hot Chiles Carrot Cake
This recipe is from David Paul’s Lahaina Grill in Lahaina, Maui. This dessert may make you sing and is a guaranteed hit at any fun affair. It’s also a really pretty cake, and is especially attractive when you save an assortment of chiles to garnish the platter.
The Great Montezuma Hot Chocolate Drink
My friend Richard Sterling developed this recipe, which is his version of how the Spaniards transformed Montezuma’s favorite spicy beverage with the addition of alcohol. He commented: “Salud! Drink to the Old World and the New.”