Spicy Spuds Around the World

Fiery Foods Manager In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

by Dave DeWitt   Recipe Index: South America: Papas Huancaino (Potatoes Huancayo-Style); Mexico: Papitas con Chiltepínes (Diced Potatoes with Chiltepins); The Caribbean: Sancoche; The American Southwest: Papas con Chile Colorado (Potatoes with Red Chile); Europe #1: Paprikash Potatoes; Europe #2: Pikanter Kartoffelsalat (German Potato Salad With A Twist); Europe #3: Gefuellte Backkartoffeln (Stuffed Baked Potatoes – with a spicy twist, …

Empanadas and Other Tasty Turnovers

Fiery Foods Manager In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

by Nancy Gerlach, Fiery-Foods.com Food Editor Emeritus Recipes: Empanada Pastry Recipe Recheio de Camarao (Brazilian Shrimp Empadinhas) East Indian-Style Samosas Argentine Empanada Polish Meat-Filled Pastries   If you traveled the world, I think you would be hard pressed to find a cuisine or culture that didn’t include some variation of a turnover! The Polish have perogies; the Russian piroshkis; calzones …

Torrid Tapas

Fiery Foods Manager In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

by Nancy Gerlach, Fiery-Foods.com Food Editor Emeritus   Recipes in this Issue: Champinones al Ajillo (Garlic Mushrooms) Tortilla Española with Salsa Romesco (Spanish Tortilla) Gambas al Pil Pil (Spicy Sauteed Shrimp) Aceitunas a la Sevillana (Olives, Sevilla Style) Albondigas in Sherry Pepper Sauce   Most everyone who has traveled to Spain has quickly fallen under the spell of the flamenco …

Variations on Spicy Ceviche

Fiery Foods Manager In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

by Nancy Gerlach, Fiery-Foods.com Food Editor Emeritus   Recipes: Ceviche Mexicana Peruvian Seviche Ceviche from Quintana Roo Ecuadorian Shrimp Seviche Chilean Seviche Whether you spell it ceviche or seviche, it’s a popular appetizer throughout most Latin America countries and the Caribbean as well. Basically, ceviche is composed of raw fish or other seafood that is marinated in citrus juices, with …


Holy Mole!

Fiery Foods Manager In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

By Gwyneth Doland   Recipes: —Mole Rojo—Mole Verde–Grilled Flank Steak with Mole Verde–Turkey Cutlets withCranberry Mandarin Mole  An excerpt from Gwyneth Doland’s new book Mole! Many of us have encountered and come to love this complex, intoxicating dish, but relatively few of us know what’s in it (besides chocolate, in some versions) or how it’s made. That’s why we’re so …