Spicy Latin American Ceviche

Fiery Foods Manager South America Leave a Comment

by Dave DeWitt  Recipes: Ceviche de Corvina (Peruvian Sea Bass Ceviche) Peruvian Mixed Seafood Ceviche Ceviche de Camarones (Ecuadorian Marinated Shrimp) Ceviche with Bitter Orange Marinated Snapper Peruvian-Style Ceviche de Mojarra (Sunfish Ceviche) Ceviche de Palapa Adriana–Estilo Acapulquito Ceviche de Almejas Estilo Baja (Baja Clam Ceviche) When bars specializing in ceviche start springing up, as they have in New York …

Chile and Argentina: Land of Fire and Ice

Fiery Foods Manager South America Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Paul Ross  Recipes: Pebre (Chilean Salsa) Chorizo Criollo(Chorizo Sausage from Argentina) Pastel de Choclo (Chilean Meat Pie) Pescado Marinado Estilo Chileno(Marinated Halibut Chilean-Style) Mariscos con Frutas Citricas(Argentine Citrus Seafood)      Riding low in the water, this passenger-laden     Zodiac ventures close to a calving glacier. It’s a looooong way down. Relatively few have made it. But, for …

Jordan: Finding a Kick in the Kingdom

Fiery Foods Manager Middle East Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Patrick Holian   Recipes: Shatah (Jordanian Harissa Sauce) Maghdoos (Pickled Eggplant with Chile Pepper) Sawani (Lamb Shank Casserole with Cayenne) Mixed Grill Shwarma Sandwiches  The fearless author in Mohammed’s tent I was in the Middle East and in trouble again. Fortunately, it was not the kind of trouble one expects to see on CNN these days. …

The Cocinas Economicas (Economical Kitchens) of Isla Mujeres

Fiery Foods Manager Mexico and Central America Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by DaRel Christiansen      Recipes: Ophelia’s Chiles Poblanos Rellenos (Stuffed Chiles) Cebollas (Pickled Onions) Ophelia’s Salsa de Habanero Samuel’s Cerveza Habanero (Beer with Habaneros) Caldo de Camarón (Shrimp Soup) Filete con Ajo de Mojo (Fish Filet with Garlic) Pescado Frito con Mojo de Ajo (Whole Fried Fish) Shrimp Ceviche (Shrimp Cooked in Lime) Isla Mujeres (Island …

The Magnifient Moles of Oaxaca

Fiery Foods Manager Mexico and Central America Leave a Comment

Article and Photos by Patrick Holian  Recipes: Mole Coloradito Mole Manchamanteles Oaxacan Black Mole (Mole Negro Oaxaqueño) Oaxacan Chichillo (Chichillo Oaxaqueño) Rice Mole (Mole de Arroz)   Perhaps we should start with the name, mole. No, I am not referring to the small, furry mammal with beady eyes, although I imagine the editor would expect me to ingest such vermin. …